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Why Take Advantage of your Time in Thailand and enroll your kid in an International School

You will probably be in Thailand for a while, perhaps working in Bangkok as an expatriate or visiting a loved one. And because it might take long before you fly back home, yet you came with your little school-going kids, the prospect of finding them a school is reasonable. 

Wondering if it’s judicious to get them studying in an international school? 



หลายคนอาจจะมีปัญหาเรื่องการมองเห็น ไม่ว่าจะสายตาสั้น สายตายาว หรือสายตาเอียง ทำให้มีอุปสรรคในการมองเห็นต้องพึ่งแว่นตา คอนแทคเลนส์ หรือบางคนอาจจะพึ่งด้วย


Liposuction Techniques in Thailand

Liposuction Thailand is among the most effective cosmetic surgery procedures known to man. Many people suffering from excessive weight are now using this technique to get rid of body fat that is resistant to exercising and dieting. 

Modern liposuction bangkok, Thailand techniques are much more advanced than the old methods. Here are some liposuction procedures currently available in Thailand.

Tumescent Liposuction



เชื่อว่าใครหลายคนคงมีปัญหาผมร่วงผมบางแต่ไม่รู้ว่าจะรักษาผมร่วงยังไงให้ได้ผล ทายาก็แล้ว กินยาก็แล้วผมก็ไม่ขึ้นสักที จนทำให้เกิดความไม่มั่นใจต้องสวมหมวกตลอด การปลูกผมถาวรน่าจะเป็นการรักษาที่ดีที่สุด เรามาดูกันดีกว่าว่าการปลูกผมมีวิธีการรักษาอย่างไร

การรักษาผมร่วงด้วยการปลูกผมถาวรเป็นวิธีการรักษาที่จะทำให้ผมกลับมาแข็งแรง อยู่ถาวรพร้อมผมที่ดูหนาขึ้น โดยปกติแล้วผู้ที่จะทำการปลูกผมถาวรควรมีอายุประมาณ 20-25 ปีขึ้นไป หากใครมีอายุต่ำกว่า 20 ปี แพทย์จะไม่ทำการปลูกผมให้เพราะกะโหลกของผู้ที่อายุต่ำกว่า 20 ปี จะยังโตไม่เต็มที่หากทำการปลูกผมถาวรไปแล้วจะไม่ค่อยได้ผลเท่าที่ควร


Features of Hotels Near Nana Plaza

Nana Plaza is an entertainment center located on the Sukhumvit road in Bangkok, Thailand. According to its owners, it is the largest adult playground in the world. Similar to other popular tourist attractions, there are many world-class hotels near Nana Plaza. 

Here are the top features of hotels near Nana Plaza.

Beautiful Designs



The goal of International Schools in Bangna is to create a standard educational system that will make other schools in every other place to look up to them as their role model. They've been able to achieve this by coming up, trying and implementing new things in their school curriculum or syllabus, all of which is a great added advantage for their students. You want to know some of these new things, here are some of them discussed below:



Studying in international schools in Bangkok comes with a lot of beneficial experiences for students. Quality education is the desire for any student, and an international school is the best place to attain top notch education. Students learn how to think critically and analyze fundamental issues; they are also taught how to research correctly. The skills and wealth of knowledge they acquire would become a global value to them later in the future. Some of the features of good international schools are:


Plastic Surgery Thailand: Why Does Everyone Prefer Thailand

Over the last decade, medical tourism has experienced a tremendous growth and nowadays, people are beginning to embrace the idea of combining a medical procedure with a holiday. Several countries are embracing these and are offering plastic surgery to foreigners. One of those countries that has completely embraced medical tourism is Thailand. Here is why you should choose having plastic surgery in Thailand over any other countries.
The cost of plastic surgery in Thailand is affordable


Reasons Why You Should Send Your Children To An International School Bangna

If you and your family are soon moving to Thailand and are unsure of where to begin when it comes to your kids’ schools, then this article will help you.  Bangna has rich culture, the best climate, and the best cuisine you will find anywhere in the world. 

So, what makes international schools in bangna better than those in other parts in the world? Here is what sets them apart.

